Monday 11th May 2020
Dear Year 3 & 4 pupils and parents/carers, |
All of your activities for this week are listed below as we are trying to make things a little bit easier for you to access.
I wanted to take the time to tell you about how some of your tasks have
changed. You will now have five printable English tasks for this week that will be
accompanied by a PowerPoint, giving you instructions on how to complete them.
You will also have a PowerPoint for the LBQ Maths tasks for each day to help you with anything
you might have forgotten, or anything that may be new learning. Any large tasks for
Science, History, Geography, Art, D&T, French, R.E. and Computing will also be included
in your pack each week from now on.
I have also included an Extras pack in there you will find some easy fun recipes for you to try with an adult of course!!
We also have Rock star times tables for you to explore online, details for this will be sent out to you shortly explaining how to access this resource.
From this week onwards, you will be able to access: Virtual Safe and Sound programme this will be a weekly programme aimed at helping KS2 children keep themselves, their families and their carers Safe+Sound in these extraordinary times. Programmes will be available to view again on demand at any time after they go live. We would love to hear how the sessions go! Please email me – your picture may make it to the weekly celebration newsletter!
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Catalano
Stay safe and God Bless,
Mrs. Catalano, Mrs. Harvey-Oates, Mrs. Paskin