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Values & Virtues 

Curious & Active - Autumn 1

Curious about everything; and active in their engagement with the world, changing what they can for the better.

Pupils grow by leading pupils to be curious about the universe and all human activity, and to take increasing responsibility for their own learning, and by providing opportunities for them to be active in the life of the school, the Church and the wider community.

Catholic Social Teaching

Stewardship of God`s Creation - Autumn 1

We are agreed today that the earth is essentially a shared inheritance, whose fruits are meant to benefit everyone. For believers, this becomes a question of fidelity to the creator, since God created the world for everyone. Hence every ecological approach needs to incorporate a social perspective which takes into account the fundamental rights of the poor and the underprivileged.   Laudato Si


Class Values & Virtues Assembly



Macmillan Coffee Morning



On Friday 27th September, we held our Macmillan Coffee morning.

Thank you to our parents and extended family members for your support, whether in your attendance or your wonderful donations. It was lovely to spend some time together as a school community and, of course, raise money for such a worthy cause.

Together we raised a wonderful £272.




                              On the 8th October we celebrated Harvest, as part of which we appealed for donations to support our local Food Bank, which helps the elderly and less fortunate than ourselves in our parish and wider community.  

Later that week, representatives from the Stoke-on-Trent Food Bank came into school to collect donations which this year totalled  62.42kg.


Praying the Rosary

The Rosary is a meditative prayer that reflects upon the life, ministry, and death of Jesus and also on His Blessed Mother. As we repeat the familiar prayers, we allow our minds to think about the lives of Jesus and Mary here on earth – a mystery. Today, all of the children and staff at Our Lady of Grace were led by our Chaplaincy Team and regular members of our weekly Rosary club where we joined One Million Children around the world praying the Rosary for unity and peace. It was time spent together in prayer and reflection together.

Praying the rosary is like bringing a bouquet of roses to the Mother of God.




Values & Virtues

Intentional & Prophetic - Autumn 2

intentional in the way they live and use the resources of the earth, guided by conscience; and prophetic in the example they set to others

by being a school community, which is intentional in its way of proceeding to build-up quality of life; and which is prophetic in the way it offers an alternative vision of education and the human person rooted in the gospel.


Catholic Social Teaching

Putting people in most need first - Autumn 2


Supporting the Royal British Legion      

From the end of October until Remembrance Sunday, our Mini Vinnies support the Royal British Legion by selling poppies and other items.


Armistice Day


We marked Armistice Day in school. Children took part in special remembrance live stream assemblies, including observing the national 2 minutes silence.

We also have a very special tree of remembrance in the school hall.

Children from Year 3/4 wrote prayers on their poppy decorations, while children from Year 5/6 added their prayers to links of a chain in the colours of the poppy.🙏


Samaritan`s Purse Operation Christmas Child



Our Mini Vinnies carried out their annual collection on behalf of the Samaritian`s Purse, Operation Christmas Child shoebox appeal. The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to provide God’s love in a tangible way to children in need all around the world.

Our families donated items to fill the children receiving the shoeboxes with joy and excitement at Christmas. We received enough donations to fill 20 shoeboxes! The shoeboxes were taken to our local pick up point by the Chaplaincy Team and Mr Murphy, where they will be prepared for delivery.


Red Wednesday

On 20th November we marked Red Wednesday, a worldwide campaign where we as a community are called upon to wear red to draw attention to the topic of “Persecution of Christians”.

Red Wednesday is a day of reflection and a show of solidarity for our brothers and sisters across the globe who are persecuted simply because of their faith. We wear red to show that we stand up for, and support people across the world suffering violence because of their faith. 

The children and staff gathered together, with other schools, to share in this important message. Thank you to our parents, families, children and staff for wearing something red  as a symbol of our support for this campaign.




All classes have worked extremely hard preparing for our Advent Prayer Services.

These have been led reverently by each class throughout the period of Advent for the whole school, parents and parishioners.

The services have been a wonderful way for us all to come together and prepare for Christmas.

Family Mass


It was lovely to see families joining us for our first Family Mass of the academic year.


Advent Inspire Workshop


Our Foundation Stage children welcomed their parents into school to join their Inspire Workshop, marking the beginning of Advent. 

The children were introduced to the Advent Wreath and the meaning of each candle. The children each took home their wreath to use with their families throughout Advent.🕯


Parishioners Christmas Lunch

Our Mini Vinnies hosted a Christmas Lunch for our parishioners.

Following the lunch, prepared by our kitchen staff, they were treated to a performance of our Foundation Stage and KS1 Christmas Production "A Sleepy Shepherd".


Choir Visits


A group of our choir and instrumentalists, accompanied by Mrs Amison, visited a local care home and UHNM in the weeks before Christmas, bringing Christmas cheer to the residents with a selection of carols and festive music.

We hope they enjoyed it as much as the children did!




Values & Virtues 

Grateful & Generous - Spring 1

Pupils are growing to be grateful for their own gifts, for the gift of other people, and for blessings of each day; and generous with their gifts, both now and in the future.

Catholic schools help their pupils grow by encouraging them to know and be grateful for all their gifts, developing them to the full so that they can be generous in the service of others.


Catholic Social Teaching

Thinking of Everyone - Spring 1

Chaplaincy Team




Our Chaplaincy Team met remotely with other teams from across the Collegiate to discuss and vote on the global charity that we will support in the summer term.



One Life Music Retreat


On 4th February 

Dan and Emily from One Life Music providing the children with the opportunity to participate in a very special Retreat Day.

This uplifting event allowed them to explore their faith and spiritual connection through the power of music. Throughout the day, the children engaged in a variety of workshops and activities that encouraged them to rejoice, reflect, and find joy in their religious beliefs. They lifted their voices in song and connected with one another through meaningful discussions around their hopes for this Jubilee year.

It was truly inspiring to witness the children`s enthusiasm and engagement during this retreat. They demonstrated a deep commitment to their Catholic faith and a genuine desire to grow in their spiritual understanding. The day provided a valuable opportunity for them to step away from the everyday and immerse themselves in a transformative experience.


Family Mass - Feast Day of Our Lady of Grace

It was lovely to see so many families join us for our Family Mass to celebrate the                               feast day of Our Lady of Grace.​​​​​​​