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Monday 30th March 2020

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are all well and staying safe! It has been so lovely to hear how children are enjoying the home learning opportunities on our school website and it is wonderful to hear about the other kind and generous things that are happening outside of school particularly the lovely rainbow pictures that children have created a presented in support of key workers in our community and across the country. Please continue to support and share this cause! It is amazing that we are all coming together!

This week I have taken some inspiration from the Rainbow theme ideas and have put a craft activity as part of the home learning pack. This links nicely with our rhyme of the week ‘The Rainbow Song’

Please see below for an explanation of activities this week

Once again thank you for your hard work and support! Keep going and stay safe everybody!

Miss Molloy

Rainbow craft – you can create a rainbow using paint or colouring or make a big rainbow using craft items or items around the house. Can you find an object in your house that matches each colour in a rainbow?

Maths – sharing, using objects can you try and share amounts equally? For example using 10 piece of fruit, can you share them equally between 2 people? Can you share 15 pencils between 3 people equally? I have also added a sheet to show you an example of how to record sharing. Practising this practically is very useful, it is a very early example of division.

Writing – please continue to access the phonics and handwriting resources put onto the website during week one, it is important for the children to practise writing their name and CVC words and simple sentences. For example you could keep a very simple diary of your week writing small sentences e.g. Today I played in the garden and had a sandwich for my dinner. Remember to encourage the children to form their letters correctly.

P.E – Remember to stay active in your home or the garden!

I have also attached a link to Edinburgh Zoo camera footage so that you can see the animal in their homes, it is almost like a virtual trip to the zoo! You could create a picture or an animal fact file from this!